African Pride Hair Care visits St. Louis. for "The Ultimate Beauty Social Tour" hosted by Sunshine Malone of Sunshine's Naturals & Loving It on Saturday, August 17th at Nico Restaurant 2:00pm-4:30pm. The Ultimate Beauty Social National Tour is bringing together some of the top beauty and lifestyle influencers in major cities throughout the country. Each social serves as a platform for transparent conversations from male and female perspectives surrounding hair by facilitating an exclusive and intimate brunch where highly regarded beauty bloggers,media professionals, beauty retailers, and beauty influencers gather together to discuss beauty secrets and techniques.
Who: African Pride Hair Care in conjunction with Sunshine's Natural & Loving It!
What: 'Ultimate Beauty Social' National Tour in St. Louis
RSVP Here: rsvp@thegarnercircle.com
Get Social: T: @myafricanpride | #ultimatebeautysocial